Feed Your Brain with LinkedIn Learning

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LinkedIn Learning is a resource provided to the entire Colgate Community of faculty, staff, and students.

It is a professional development platform that offers a wide range of online courses and video tutorials to help individuals learn new skills and advance their careers in various subjects, including business, technology, and creative skills.

LinkedIn Learning enables you to be self-directed and learn at your own pace, at a time that works for you.

Faculty – Give your students tools to help develop their skills, whether technical skills or soft skills, to enhance their use in your course. Example: Master Confident Presentations

Managers and Supervisors – help your team set and achieve performance goals. Example: Communication within Teams

Everyone – Never stop learning! What would you like to learn today?

Some benefits of using LinkedIn Learning include:

  1. Access to a wide range of courses: LinkedIn Learning offers courses on a variety of topics, including business, technology, creative skills, and more.
  2. Expert instructors: The courses on LinkedIn Learning are taught by industry experts and practitioners who have real-world experience in the subjects they teach.
  3. Flexibility and convenience: LinkedIn Learning courses are available online, so you can access them anytime, anywhere, so you can learn on your own schedule.
  4. Personalized learning: LinkedIn Learning allows you to set your own learning goals and track your progress, so you can focus on the skills that are most important to you.
  5. Professional development: LinkedIn Learning courses can help you improve your skills and advance your career. Many courses offer a certificate of completion that you can add to your LinkedIn profile, which can help demonstrate your expertise.

Don’t forget that all members of the Colgate Community have access to LinkedIn Learning, available through the Portal.

What would you like to learn today?

Robin Bridson
